Treatment of Lichen Planus in Ayurveda

How do you cope with Lichen Planus?

Treatment of Lichen Planus in Ayurveda

Lichen planus is a common inflammatory skin disorder marked by a thick band-like infiltration on the skin and severe itching. Lichen planus is the name given to the condition because it resembles Lichen. Topical and intralesional steroids benefit isolated lesions because it is an autoimmune illness. Systemic steroid therapy is frequently required in cases of widespread illness. Treatment of Lichen Planus in Ayurveda in Ishani Ayurveda has a better scope than other medications. The whole body is purged by panchakarma treatment in Kerala, and then systemic treatment is administered according to dosha dominance in all skin problems, as part of Ayurveda’s holistic approach.
Lichen planus is an autoimmune skin disease that can be cured with Ayurveda treatment in Kerala. If the lichen planus isn’t too severe and other conditions are favorable, a combination of shodhana and shamanachikitsa, nidanparivarjan, and kushthaharadravyprayog can help.

Main causes of Lichen Planus

Lichen planus is undoubtedly an immune illness. But do you know what causes such an outburst? Well, much like you, contemporary science hasn’t been able to pinpoint the exact cause of this ailment. According to what has been discovered, lichen planus patients frequently exhibit some common characteristics such as excessive chemical exposure, liver disease, etc. Some common causes are:

Dependence on Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Ibuprofen and other common pain relievers can be problematic for certain people. Even if they relieve pain, their chemical response in the body can leave a person susceptible to lichen planus if used for a long time.

Irritant Medications
If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or arthritis, double-check your medications. The ingredients in these drugs can wreak havoc on your immune system, causing you to develop lichen planus.
Infection with Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C, for example, leaves little scope for negligence. However, there is one additional reason to be cautious. If hepatitis C is not treated promptly, people can develop lichen planus. So, pay attention to the changes in your body!


There are some symptoms of this condition. Lesions or lumps with a purplish color. These can grow and spread over the body over weeks to months. When the mucosal lining is affected, it might cause problems in the mouth. Some of the symptoms are bluish-white spots on the inside of the cheek, the sides of the tongue, or the gums. The chances of painful and burning sensation is more in this disease. Lesions may be itchy and isolated or group if the skin is afflicted. The skin will be irritating at the rash’s location, and the lesions will be glossy or scaly with a sharp border.

How is Lichen Planus different from other skin diseases?

A rash is the most common symptom of skin illnesses that everyone is familiar with. It can be red, flat, bulgy, or dark in appearance. How will you distinguish between lichen planus and other rashes in such a state of confusion? You can understand Lichen Planus with its characteristics, location, and structure.

Lichen planus rashes are unique from those caused by other illnesses. They have a lustrous finish and a dark color that ranges from purple to grey. This color is what makes them stand out to everyone.

The limbs, lower back, wrists, ankles, and elbows are common sites for lichen planus infection. It can also develop in the vulva in certain uncommon circumstances.

Many thin, white lines can be seen on the surface of the rash if you look closely. The rash will consist of several tiny bumps that are flat and polygonal in shape.

Treatment of Lichen Planus in Ayurveda

We believe that in the case of Lichen Planus, the toxin Ama gets deposited in the skin or mucous membrane. These toxins are then covered by Kapha, one of the three Doshas (biological energies) in the human body and psyche. This means they can withstand digestion and excretion. This affects the Vatha, Pitha, and Kapha components of the skin, with Pitha and Kapha being the most affected. When exposed to the previously described triggers, the cycle can start again. As a result, a holistic strategy to dealing with this can be effective because it attempts to address the problem’s root cause.
Treatment of Lichen Planus in Ayurveda in Kerala is focused on purification of the body and overall regeneration. According to Ayurveda, the skin has seven layers and extends to the organism’s most profound levels. As a result, skin disorders like Lichen Planus have deep underlying causes. However, we feel other Ayurvedic approaches can cure the issue.

Detoxing the body through Sodhana or Panchakarma: Detoxing the body is a critical stage in most Ayurvedic treatments. It allows the body to rid itself of toxins that have accumulated. After assessing the patient’s health, the doctor may prescribe Vamana (medicated vomiting) or Virechana as the first treatment (medicated purgation).

Correcting Agni’s function and stopping the formation of more Ama
The body’s Agni, or ‘inner fire,’ may have been diminished by the detoxifying cycle at this point. The second stage is to use light to aid in the digestion of food and the recovery of the Agni.

Pacifying the symptoms
Gargling (Kabbalah) or washing (Dhara) with herbal devotion can help calm and soothe the discomfort. In some circumstances, externally applied medications may be employed.

Rasayana or rejuvenating medication
The rejuvenation process begins following the therapy processes to renew and rebuild the body tissues. Rejuvenating drugs that are specifically beneficial to the skin are used at this stage. These provide excellent immunity to prevent the three Doshas from becoming vitiated further.

Some helpful herbs to treat Lichen Planus

Certain herbs, according to Ayurveda, can be used to treat the various symptoms of Lichen Planus.

● Herbs like Dasamoola, Tuvaraka, Pata, Bala, and Ashwagandha can help with predominant Vatha (dry skin lesions).
● Herbs like Brahmi, Mandukaparni, Manjistha, and Liquorice are beneficial in Pitha-dominated circumstances (with inflammatory changes and burning sensations).
● Herbs like Vacha, Triphala, Musta, Bitter Gourd, Patola, Arka, Guluchi, Neem, Aragwadha, Turmeric, and Katuki may help with itching white patches in Kapha-dominated circumstances.


How can I naturally treat my lichen planus?
Vitamin A – Vitamin A is commonly found in animal products used to treat the illness since it helps to keep the skin and mucous membranes healthy. Consider including foods that are high in folate in your diet. Perfect sources include garbanzo beans, asparagus, beets, avocados, and lentils. During a breakout, eat more vitamin A-rich foods.

Is it possible to treat Oral Lichen Planus with Ayurveda?
Hypertrophic lichen planus (HLP) is an uncommon inflammatory skin disorder that occasionally progresses to squamous cell cancer. It resembles CharmaKushta, which is referenced in Ayurvedic texts. Ayurvedic medications are frequently thought to be beneficial in treating chronic and lifestyle illnesses.