Ayurvedic Detox for Fatty Liver: Dietary Tips and Natural Remedies

Ayurveda Treatment in Kerala - Ishani Ayurveda Treatment Centre

The liver performs an incredible amount of vital functions in the upkeep and operation of the body. Among these primary roles are the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; detoxification; and bile secretion. Today conventional medicine is focusing on using natural items, like herbs, to give the liver the everyday care it requires.

Our specialty at Ishani Ayurveda Treatment Centre is Ayurveda Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis- Cure Liver Disease. We offer complete care using natural medications and nutritional advice. Our wellness center at Munnar is well-known for providing genuine Ayurvedic treatments and is situated in the heartland of Kerala.

Sadly, the liver is frequently the body’s most mistreated organ. It is subjected to several environmental pollutants, such as pesticides, alcohol, and drugs, all of which put strain on this important organ. This mistreatment frequently continues undetected because of the liver’s significant ability to rejuvenate and the reality that liver-related issues function in remote, apparently unconnected areas of the body.

Overworked livers might hinder the process of detoxification and manifest in symptoms that could seem unconnected, such as aches and widespread malaise, dyspepsia, headaches, irregular menstruation, bone aches and muscle rigidity. Eventually, an unhealthy liver is unable to carry out its duties correctly and as a result, the body is subject to toxicity and a general decrease in the metabolism.

Liver Cirrhosis Treatment: Heal Liver Disease With Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Remedies For Liver Dysfunction

Ayurvedic doctors with traditional training understand the need of maintaining liver function balance for general well-being. Enhancing liver detoxification processes and aiding in the prevention of more liver damage are the main objectives of the Ayurvedic system for treating liver issues. Herbs are chosen and blended according to their traditional uses, which support body balance and nourishment of the liver and related functions, including digestion and bile acid secretion. Herbal teas made from a combination of herbs, each of which may have a wide range of qualities, are frequently used to treat liver issues.

1. Root of the hellebore (Picrorhiza kurroa).

Used for thousands of years in Ayurveda as a general liver tonic and for liver cleansing, fevers, poisoning, hepatitis and biliousness.

2. The root of ginger (Zingiber officinale).

Commonly used for helping digestion. It has been discovered that ginger stimulates stomach secretions and enhances circulation and metabolism, which supports the medicinal benefits of other plants.

3. Fruit of Embelia (Embelia ribes).

Traditionally, embelia has been used to treat liver diseases and rejuvenate the liver.

4. Eclipta alba leaf and root

Used traditionally for hepatic enlargement, jaundice and other liver and gall bladder conditions as a cholagogue (helps bile secretion) and deobstruent (removes functional blockages in the body).

What Is Actually Fatty Liver?

Before looking at treatments, it’s important to know what is fatty liver? This disorder develops when too much fat builds up in the liver cells. Severe cases may result in cirrhosis, inflammation, and scarring.

There seems to be a rise in liver disease. Our regular exposure with chemicals and other environmental toxins may be somewhat to blame for this growth. The amount of medication used has significantly increased, posing a risk to the liver. The body’s factory for detoxifying substances, the liver, is being overworked. 

We are all at danger of liver illness or injury, however those who smoke, abuse drugs or alcohol, and reside in highly polluted areas are most at risk. Damage to the liver can be avoided by cutting back on alcohol use, mixing medicines or taking inappropriate amounts of them and seeing a doctor if you notice any symptoms or indicators of liver disease. Prevention also includes maintaining a balanced diet that includes nutrients and herbs that support a healthy liver.

To Sum It Up

Ayurvedic detoxification for fatty liver combines natural therapies with changes in diet to help cleanse and revitalize the liver. We ensure that our clients receive the best treatment possible by offering complete Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis at Ishani Ayurveda Treatment Centre. You can benefit greatly from holistic recovery with our authentic Ayurveda treatment in Kerala, which can strengthen your liver and enhance your general health.

Dr. Sinu K John

Dr. Sinu K John graduated Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. She holds a Master’s degree in Ayurveda Panchakarma. She is a qualified Yoga Instructor and has been teaching Ayurveda and Yoga for more than 10 years. She is specialized in women and infant health, infertility, skin care and natural beauty treatments. She is a Health Educator, passionate about health and fitness. Vast experience in handling clients of all age groups both national and international. She is specialized in Lifestyle Medicine, providing a holistic approach to medicine. Her philosophy of healing revolves around Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Detoxification, Nutrition & Effective Stress Management & Obesity.

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