Beauty Treatments in Ayurveda
Cosmetic standards and extravagance in cosmetic procedures have skyrocketed in the past few decades. Natural beauty treatments, like everything else, have reached an all-time high in popularity. Ayurveda approaches beauty naturally. Maintaining our skin, hair, and nails shine and health in Ayurveda does not entail harmful or intrusive therapies. Rather, the primary goals of Beauty Treatments in Ayurveda are to build self-confidence via self-care through the use of natural herbs and products that cleanse the skin, improve circulation, and infuse nutrients into the skin and body.In Kerala, Ishani Ayurveda is a pioneer in delivering beauty treatments that incorporate all of nature’s goodness as well as ayurvedic wisdom where various medical plants, herbal extracts, fresh fruits, and natural goods are used in beauty care procedures.
As the science of life, Ayurveda emphasises the importance of a person’s overall well-being and adheres to the adage, “Beauty is not skin deep.” Above everything else, Ayurveda makes a strong case of maintaining excellent health in the body and mind, which reflects in the health of the skin, hair, and nails. Adopting a dosha-balancing diet, exercise, and lifestyle routine is the most crucial step in maintaining a clean and attractive look.Ayurvedic beauty therapy incorporates spiritual and physical care since beauty originates within.Self-care is the foundation of self-love.
Ayurvedic Beauty Regimens
Ayurveda emphasizes detox and cleansing care, which includes cleaning, toning, and rejuvenation, followed by face packs. By incorporating natural components in all procedures, the skin absorbs the benefits of natural elements. Face care methods have been thoroughly planned to ensure that the skin retains its natural radiance. Common beauty treatment procedures in Ayurveda are:
Mukhalepam / Face Pack:
This Ayurvedic skincare oil-based massage therapy involves a 15-minute massage with an ayurvedic-medicated oil or gel, followed by the application of a freshly prepared face pack. This therapy slows the ageing process of the skin, minimizes wrinkles, and enhances the skin’s tone.
The herbal face pack contains Ayurvedic ingredients that help to revitalize the skin. Regular usage of herbal face packs may also aid in the prevention of discolouration and wrinkles. As a result, your skin seems younger and brighter. Mukhalepam, one of the most effective face beauty treatments, relaxes stiff muscles as you lie down with your eyes closed. The entire treatment takes around 45 minutes, including the preliminary massage, face pack application, cleansing, and moisturizing.
Ayurvedic Facial Treatments
Ayurveda treatment for acne is the most popular facial treatment, and the best face pack is determined after examining the skin.
Herbal Facials -To nourish and brighten the skin, a face pack containing a unique blend of specific herbs is used. This herbal facial unclogs pores, detoxifies and cleanses the face, and improves skin texture.
Fruit facials are particularly beneficial and are often a part of ayurvedic treatment for acne scars. A face pack made from fresh papaya helps to remove skin blemishes, pigmentation spots, and dark circles. It also aids in the restoration of one’s natural complexion.Honey’s natural healing qualities can aid in the reduction of acne scars when used as part of a daily skin care regimen.
Aloe vera Facial – Aloe Vera is an important component in ayurvedic treatment for cystic acne because of its capacity to lighten scars, mend acne, and eliminate dark spots on our faces and bodies. Applying aloe Vera gel to the face and body on a regular basis yields beneficial outcomes.
Green tea is another ingredient that is utilized in ayurvedic treatment for pimples on face. Its antimicrobial characteristics can aid in the reduction of inflammation. Green tea has also been shown to have health advantages. You may also dab it on your skin after dipping a cotton swab in the solution.
Ayurvedic treatment for acne scars and holes is performed in phases by Herbal remedies. Exfoliation to remove damaged skin, followed by face packs containing ingredients demonstrated to improve collagen formation, which can aid in the repair of damaged skin. Natural antibacterial ingredients such as turmeric, basil, Triphala, and honey are used to treat bacterial infections and inflammations.
Hormonal acne, also known as ‘Mukhadushika,’ is caused by an aggravation of the Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and Rakta Dhatu Doshas. Ayurveda advocates using herbs that balance the Doshas, cleanse your blood and address hormonal imbalances as a part of ayurvedic treatment for acne due to hormonal imbalance.
In ayurvedic treatment for hormonal acne, the fundamental cause, which is really a high level of androgen, must be addressed and remedies need to be identified based on the severity of the issue. Abhyanga, Shirodhara and Nasya are often prescribed for hormonal acne. Abhyanga assists in balancing your Doshas and cleansing your body of pent-up Ama/toxins that can trigger hormonal acne. Shirodhara is widely used to treat hormonal acne because it balances Dosha and detoxifies the body. Nasya is beneficial against acne and, in particular, aids in the treatment of Pitta vitiations.
Dark circles beneath and around the eyes are not an illness but are frequently a symptom of an underlying disease or a side effect of some medications.Because it is noticeable on the face, it is one of the most popular Beauty Treatments in Ayurveda. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including but not limited to heredity, allergies, eczema, anaemia, age, malnutrition, and so on.Netra Tarpana, which literally translates to “eye rehydration,” is one of the most effective ayurvedic treatment for under eye dark circles. To make a circular frame around the eyes, a powdered Masha paste is used. The frame is filled with lukewarm medicinal ghee tailored to the individual’s dosha vitiation and left for around 30 minutes. The time duration may vary based on the individual’s condition. The patient is urged to open and close his or her eyes on a frequent basis in order for the ghee’s characteristics to be properly absorbed by the eyes.
Ayurveda treatment for eyes is founded on the notion that the eye is a pitta-dominant organ that is readily unbalanced during the summer. Alochaka pitta, a pitta subdosha, is situated in the eyes. Alochaka pitta imbalance causes the fire element in the eyes to grow or shrink. Excessive screen time, other harmful radiations, pitta-dominant diet and lifestyle regimens, and so on may be to blame for the increase in the fire element. All of this results in eye strain, inflammation, and dryness.The decline in fire element might be attributed to ageing. As we age, we lose this fire element, which is linked to the development of glaucoma, cataracts, and other disorders.
A lack of moisture in the eyes leads to dry eyes. Dry eyes are referred to as Abhishyanda or Akshipaka in Ayurvedic scriptures. This disease is caused by a vitiation of the three primary doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, according to Ayurveda. As a result, ayurveda treatment for dry eyes focuses on reestablishing dosha equilibrium. Some ways indicated to treat dry eyes include Ayurvedic medication, lifestyle modifications, and Panchakarma therapies. Make liberal use of ghee and hydrating meals to ease dry eye symptoms.
Dark rings or cobwebs that emerge in the line of vision are known as eye floaters.They are a clumping of the jelly-like substance in the eye’s vitreous cavity. To eliminate floaters, you must enhance your body’s ability to remove toxins from the eye. Even while floaters do not cause any serious problems with the eyes, they may be rather unpleasant, thus it is a frequently sought-after question as to how to cure floaters in the eye naturally.
How to improve eyesight naturally through Ayurveda?
The majority of this generation suffers from various forms of eye disorders. The primary factor is the current way of life that people lead. People who have myopia or hyper myopia are forced to wear glasses their whole lives. To mention a few, the most frequent causes of vision impairment are an irregular lifestyle, watching TV without blinking, working on the computer for extended durations, lower nutritious diets, inherited illnesses, and so on.
To enhance vision, Ayurveda offers the appropriate solution or therapies.
• Ayurveda recommends washing your eyes with cold water on a regular basis to help remove impurities in the eyes.
• Eye exercises such as blinking, palming, eye massaging, two dot method, eye stretching etc are all found to be beneficial for keeping the eyes healthy.
• A balanced and nutritious diet high in vitamin A is recommended for better vision. Vitamin A is found in foods such as fish oil, carrots, eggs, milk, lemon, cabbage, green vegetables, and fruits.
Ayurvedic practitioners are frequently asked, “How to Reduce Eye Pressure by Ayurveda?” Certain yoga asanas can help reduce eye pressure by regulating blood flow and positioning the body in ways that naturally ease eye discomfort. Furthermore, yoga focuses on de-stressing the mind, which studies have shown can cause and even aggravate glaucoma symptoms.
Nadisudhi, Uttanasana and Veerasana are examples of such yoga asanas.
Along with yoga, there are a few herbs that are natural ways to alleviate ocular pressure. Make herbal tea with these herbs to drink after a relaxing yoga practice.
Amla, fennel, ginger, turmeric and punarnava are examples of such herbs.
Footcare treatment, according to Ayurveda, serves more than simply aesthetic purposes: it feeds the entire body and neurological system.It is done as part of a healthy lifestyle with medicinal oil, focusing on foot pressure points. It stimulates the organs and senses of the body.
Padadari, or cracked heels, is primarily caused by Vata imbalance. In order to control and avoid illness, Ayurvedic teachings encourage individuals to keep themselves clean and maintain great personal hygiene as a part of foot crack treatment.
Another sought-after aspect of Ayurvedic Beauty Treatments is the Breast Growth Enhancement Treatment that Ayurveda has to offer.Sesame seed oil is abundant in protein, calcium, iron, and phosphorus, making it ideal for breast massage. It is critical to apply the right pressure in order to prevent your breasts from damages. Consume lots of water as well as green vegetables, soy products, and other estrogen-rich foods.
At Ishani Ayurveda, Ayurvedic beauty treatments are customised to each individual’s skin texture using time-tested Ayurvedic wisdom. To give natural skin brightness, herbal ingredients that are most suited for the conditions are used in face treatments.
Dr. Sinu K John

Dr. Sinu K John graduated Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. She holds a Master’s degree in Ayurveda Panchakarma. She is a qualified Yoga Instructor and has been teaching Ayurveda and Yoga for more than 10 years. She is specialized in women and infant health, infertility, skin care and natural beauty treatments. She is a Health Educator, passionate about health and fitness. Vast experience in handling clients of all age groups both national and international. She is specialized in Lifestyle Medicine, providing a holistic approach to medicine. Her philosophy of healing revolves around Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Detoxification, Nutrition & Effective Stress Management & Obesity.