Ayurvedic Treatment for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease treatment(Kerala, India)

Lime infectionLyme disease is classified as an external poison in Ayurveda. As a result, the primary ayurvedic Lyme disease treatment is various sorts of cleansing. As a part of Lyme disease, panchakarma therapy is required. At Ishani Ayurveda,people can fully understand the steps involved in cleansing and detox. Panchakarma’s essential preparation technique is abhyanga. Purgation therapies will be used after that. Other therapies, such as nasya, will be added to the Ayurvedic treatment for Lyme disease in Kerala, India if necessary, and determined by the individual’s specific condition. Internal cleaning (vasthi therapies) is the ultimate and most important treatment for removing toxins.

Vata is a subtle energy dosha made up of air and ether ( space ). When it’s out of whack, you’re more prone to have symptoms like stiff muscles, achy joints, anxiety, restlessness, memory issues, trouble concentrating, weariness , weakness, insomnia and other sleep issues, and poor digestion are common in Lyme patients.

Lyme disease symptoms (Kerala, India)

Headache, fever, muscle discomfort, and inexplicable lethargy are acute Lyme disease symptoms. Rashes can appear a few days or even weeks following a tick bite. If left untreated, Lyme disease can impair the immune system, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system.

Lyme disease management (Kerala, India)

To develop the correct treatment protocol, detoxification, herbs , food and lifestyle regimen, initial consultation with an ayurvedic specialist is essential. The nature and stage of Lyme disease and the patient’s age, gender, mind-body constitution, dosha imbalances, and any other health problems they may be suffering all influence Ayurvedic treatment. If the disease has been established for an extended period, healing may necessitate a more extensive treatment plan.

Decreasing the inflammation in Ayurveda (Kerala, India)

Inflammation is one of the most common symptoms of the borrelia pathogen, exploiting it to hide from the immune system’s defences. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on lowering inflammation by balancing the digestive fire (Agni) and restoring harmony to the body through herbs, nutrition, lifestyle, and daily routines. The digestive system functions similarly to an engine. It must function effectively to heal sickness and restore body equilibrium. For long-term health, an intense digestive fire (Agni) is essential.

Detoxification in Ayurveda (Kerala, India)

Detoxification (Panchakarma) is an essential aspect of Ayurvedic treatment for Lyme disease. The detox program is created by an expert Ayurveda practitioner based on your diagnosis and needs. Typically, a detox treatment starts with the patient taking digestive herbs and medicated ghee at home for a few days. Ayurvedic therapeutic oil massage (abhyanga), herbalised steam therapy (swedana), therapeutic purge of the bowels (purgation), oil and decoction enemas (vasti), nervous system treatment (Shirodhara), and nasal medicines are among the therapies offered in the clinic (Nasya).

The length of your panchakarma is determined by several factors that your doctor will discuss with you. Recovery from persistent Lyme disease may necessitate a lengthier treatment plan.

Pathya in Lyme Disease

The Ayurvedic treatment for Lyme disease disease includes some paythyas. It included drinking small amounts of warm water frequently, eating light and easily digestible meals, eating green gramme, eating bitter vegetables, covering up body areas to minimise tick bites, using insect repellants, examining clothing before wearing, gentle activity, and getting enough rest.

Ayurveda Treatment for Lyme Disease (Kerala, India)

Ayurveda combines some internal and external medicines as part of the treatment.(Ayurveda Treatment in Kerala)

Internal Medicines includes
● GuggulutiktakaKwatha
● Khadirarishta
● PanchathiktakaKashaya
● ThrayanthyadiKashaya
● Dashamoolahareetakilehya

Procedures involved in the treatment

● Virechana (Purgation)
● Raktamoksha (Blood-letting)
● Vamana (Emesis)

Herbal Management of Lyme Disease in Ayurveda (Kerala, India)

The Ayurvedic treatment for Lyme disease aims to reduce or eliminate symptoms, minimise complications, and enhance the body’s immune system.

The following multiherbal formulations are immune-enhancing and antibacterial drugs that can also help with skin inflammation and should be used in the early stages of the disease:

● Chandraprabhavati
● GandhakRasayan
● Mahamanjishthadikwatha
● PanchtiktagrthaGuggulu

Lyme Disease and diet (Kerala, India)

The ultimate goal of the Lyme disease diet is to rectify the epigenome status in conjunction with physical therapy and herbal medicines. Unlike other reductionist treatments that use vitamins and supplements (e.g., folic acid, vitamin B12, B6, methionine, taurine, manganese, magnesium, zinc, molybdenum, etc.) to address epigenetic methylation disorders, Ayurveda accomplishes so holistically and more effectively through nutrition.

A modified Vata-Pitta pacifying diet is frequently recommended (pathyam=compatible foods) for Lyme disease patients. Foods of higher quality, while beneficial in reducing Vatadosha, must be cooked to make them lighter and easier to digest. For example, before heating grains like rice and barley, they should be briefly dry-roasted; milk should be boiled and allowed to cool before consuming.


  • Is Ayurveda capable of curing Lyme disease?
    Ayurvedic treatments can help you get rid of Lyme illness. Ayurveda classifies all germs, including microbes. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites are referred to as “Krimi” in Sanskrit, which means “worm.”
  • Is it possible to treat Lyme disease with herbs?
    The herbs used by patients, such as Cryptolepis, black walnut, sweet wormwood, cat’s claw, and Japanese knotweed, have potent activity against Lyme disease bacteria, particularly the dormant persister forms, which are not killed by the current Lyme disease treatment” the researchers write.
  •  Is it possible for Lyme disease to go away on its own?
    It expands for a few days to weeks before naturally disappearing. Flu-like symptoms such as fever, exhaustion, headache, and muscular aches are also possible. The symptoms of the original sickness may go away on their own. However, the infection can spread to other parts of the body in some people.
  • Is it possible to recover from Lyme disease without using antibiotics?
    Antibiotics are required for Lyme disease treatment. The bacterium that causes Lyme disease may be able to elude the immune system, spread through the bloodstream, and remain in the body without antibiotic treatment.

Dr. Sinu K John

Dr. Sinu K John graduated Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. She holds a Master’s degree in Ayurveda Panchakarma. She is a qualified  Yoga Instructor and has been teaching Ayurveda and Yoga for more than 10 years. She is specialized in women and infant health, infertility, skin care and natural beauty treatments. She is a Health Educator, passionate about health and fitness. Vast experience in handling clients of all age groups both national and international. She is specialized in Lifestyle Medicine, providing a holistic approach to medicine. Her philosophy of healing revolves around Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Detoxification, Nutrition & Effective Stress Management & Obesity.