Ayurvedic Treatment for Ear Problem

How do you cope with Ear Problem?

What is an ear infection?

An ear infection is a bacterial or viral illness that affects the middle ear. In comparison to adults, children are more susceptible to this illness. Due to the inflammation and fluid collection in the middle ear, ear infections can cause substantial discomfort. Since the infection normally clears up on its own, the Ayurveda treatment for ear problems in Kerala mainly focuses on pain management and monitoring the situation. In severe situations and the incidence of ear infections in newborns, internal medicines with some special treatments like Dhoopana required.Long-term ear disorders, such as persistent fluids in the middle ear, hearing impairments, chronic and repeated infections, can cause other major repercussions.

KarnaRoga, often known as ear disease in Ayurveda, is caused by one of four imbalances:

● Vata: Vata imbalances cause thin discharge, dry ear wax, acute discomfort, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and hearing loss.
● Pitta imbalances result in yellow discharge, swelling, redness, tearing, and burning when pitta is out of balance.
● White and slimy discharge, altered hearing, itching, steady swelling, and moderate discomfort are all symptoms of Kapha imbalances.
● Sannipataja: This occurs when Vata, pitta, and Kapha are all out of balance simultaneously; the discharge is coloured according to the prevailing dosha.

In most cases, ear infections are caused by Kapha imbalances. In the springtime or other times when there is a Kapha-favoring atmosphere, or while the kid is in the Kapha phase of life, a child with a Kapha body type is prone to ear infections (around eight years old). Ear infections are also more likely in children who eat a Kapha-aggravating diet (lots of sweets, wheat, dairy). The Ayurveda treatment for ear problems in ISHANI AYURVEDA focuses on curing the disease by knowing the root cause and treating it.

Some common causes of ear infection

One of the most prevalent ear infections caused is a swollen or obstructed Eustachian Tube (small tube linking ear with nose). Some other causes include:

● Some allergies
● Colds that are infectious or allergic
● Sinusitis is a common ailment that affects (infection in the sinus)
● Severe mucus discharge
● Smoking
● Adenoids that are swollen or infected. Adenoids are the tissue between the back of the nose and the throat.

Symptoms of ear infection

The symptoms of ear infections differ in children and adults.

Common symptoms in children
● There seems to be pain or discomfort in the ear, especially while lying down.
● Having trouble falling asleep
● Irritability
● Hearing or reacting to noises would be a problem.
● Loss of equilibrium
● Fever of 100 F
● Ear discharge that looks like pus
● Headache
● Appetite loss.

Common symptoms in adults. The symptoms are mostly the same as children.
● An earache
● Ear discharge that looks like pus
● Hearing impairment.

Ayurvedic treatment for an ear disorder

The general treatment for ear problems includes:
● Take ghrita and rasayanas orally to heal all ear ailments.
● Avoiding physical activity.
● Avoid head shower.
● Abstaining from intercourse.
● Relaxing the vocals.
Internal and external oleation treatment and purgation using oily formula are required for the four Vatika ailments of Karnasula, Karnapranada, Badhirya, and Karnaksveda. Vata-suppressing formulations, such as Nadisveda and Pindasveda (bolus fomentation), should be used. For Nadisveda, all of the components are cooked with sour gruel. This is a good cure for Karnasula, caused by Kapha and Vata. Karnasula can also be treated with Pindasveda bolus, produced from fish, cock, batera, or milk.

The evening meal is substituted with ghrita, and milk is consumed before night. BalaTailam is advised for Shirobasti, Nasya, Shiroabhyanga, and a food supplement after being boiled 100 times.

Bala Oil 10ml or Bala Oil SoftGel Capsules naturally nourishes and improve voice quality. It supports different ailments like pain in ears, cataracts,gulma, headaches, and colic. It also helps in balancing the Vata and pitta doshas.

Warm oil poured into the ear and nasya is used to treat the four inflammatory illnesses Karnavidradhi, Karnapaka, Karnasrava, and Putikarna. For infections with discharge and hearing loss, bilva is the herb of choice.

Vachalasunadi Coconut Oil is an Ayurvedic herbal oil that helps with ear issues, including infection and external damage. It’s utilised for ear drops and head massages. Both the Vata and Kaphadoshas are balanced.

PathyakshadhatryadiKashayamis a good treatment for headaches, particularly earaches, hemicrania, hemialgia, toothaches, and other eye problems such as short vision, night blindness, and cataract.

Changes in LifeStyle

● Keep your ears warm.
● Massage the area surrounding the ear. Massage your cheeks with your hands while opening and shutting your mouth.
● Vitamin C and zinc consumption should be increased. Vitamin C boosts immunity, which helps to fight infection. Zinc helps to prevent ear infections.
● Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure should be avoided since smoke can obstruct the Eustachian tubes.
● Maintain proper hygiene and stay away from colds. Hands should be washed often.
● Neem is useful for treating ear infections and aches. The plants’ formulations can be used to treat ear infections.
● Neti, or cleaning the nasal passages with a moderate saltwater solution to properly eliminate accumulated Kapha or phlegm, can also aid with ear infection relief.


1. What is allergic rhinitis, and how does it affect us?

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal lining caused by the body’s immunological reaction when it comes into touch with specific allergens (things causing allergy in a person). It simply indicates that the immune system reacts excessively to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and the skin and saliva of hairy animals such as cats and dogs. This illness might affect anywhere from 10% to 30% of the world’s population. The ideas of Ama, Asatmya, Aharavihara, Anurjta, and viruddhaaahara are all used in Ayurveda to describe allergic diseases. Ama is caused by a problem with digestion and metabolism. Altering Rasa and RaktaDhatu causes Rhinitis or Pratishyaya to manifest.

2. What is Ayurvedic hearing loss treatment?

Hearing loss may be treated with neem oil, an effective home medicine. After contacting a doctor, apply 2-3 drops of tepid, lukewarm neem oil to the afflicted area. Suhaga (Borax) should be poured into the ear, followed by 4-5 drops of lemon juice. 4-5 drops of heated oil in the ear after cooling.