Ayurveda Treatment for Kidney Stones
The kidneys are crucial organs in our body that expel toxins as well as a significant amount of fluids in the form of urine. Kidney stones are solid masses of crystals that can develop within the kidneys and appear in a range of sizes and forms. Kidney stones are a rather common condition. They are solid crystals formed from chemicals prevalent in human bodies, such as uric acid, calcium, and phosphorous. Since they may become lodged in the urine stream, causing discomfort and bleeding, the problem may necessitate a comprehensive treatment. Ayurveda treatment for kidney stones in Kerala comprises following a healthy diet and way of life and using a variety of herbs to assist control the illness.
In Ayurveda, kidney stones are called ‘Vrukka Ashmari,’ which translates literally as “kidney stone.” Several types of ayurvedic treatment of stone in kidney have been created throughout the centuries by practitioners and researchers. These treatments are then recommended based on the patient’s medical condition.
Is ayurvedic medicine effective for kidney stones?
Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicinal approach, provides a comprehensive approach to strengthening and healing a person by concentrating on restoring equilibrium to the body, mind, and soul. Ayurvedic approach to illnesses is not in fighting them but enhancing the body’s ability to resist them. Various ayurvedic treatment approaches, such as massages with medicated oils and consuming specific herbs that can pacify specific doshas and detoxify the system, are all suggested to help soothe the severe discomfort caused by the presence of kidney stones. This also gradually assists the body in getting rid of the stones via transit.
What causes Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones form as a result of abnormalities in the general metabolism. These are more likely to occur when urine becomes overly concentrated as a result of excessive sweating or a lack of fluid intake. A sedentary lifestyle worsens the symptoms. Other variables that contribute to the disorder include a bad diet, an overabundance of acid-forming foods, white flour and sugary food, meat, tea, coffee, excessively spicy food, and, most significantly, overeating. Stones can also occur as a consequence of a vitamin A deficiency or over use of vitamin D.
The excruciating pain experienced by those suffering from kidney stones usually occurs as the stones tend to make a pass from the ureter to the bladder. The pain and discomfort originate on the side and progress to the groin area and thighs. Other symptoms to look out for include frequent and painful urination, nausea, sweating, vomiting, and chills. There is a chance that traces of blood will be found in the urine with the progress in condition if not timely attended to.
How does Ayurveda address the condition?
Ayurveda promotes detoxification of the body through natural remedies and ayurvedic treatment for kidney stone removal. This can aid in the expulsion of toxins from the body and thus start the healing process.
Every treatment plan at Ishani Ayurveda is tailored to the individual, as each person is unique. After determining the fundamental cause of the problem, a detailed treatment plan is devised based on a thorough examination of the condition and the person’s medical history. Ayurvedic treatment for renal stone usually starts with a detoxification process. Detoxification is at the heart of every ayurvedic therapy since it helps restore equilibrium and thus supports the body’s ability to respond well to the subsequent treatments and medications.
Ayurveda Cure

Ayurveda is based on the idea that striking a balance of mind, body, and spirit leads to maximum health. On being asked, “how to cure the kidney stones?”, Ayurveda takes a holistic approach as it does with all other diseases, which means it considers much more than symptoms, and also the state of mind, body, and emotions before making any treatment plans. According to Ayurveda, kidney stones are caused by an imbalance in the three doshas and a weakening of Agni (digestive fire) due to an improper diet and lifestyle. Toxins are produced in the body as a result of this impairment, culminating in kidney stones. As a result, Ayurveda advises us to make urgent modifications to our dietary habits and lifestyle. Ayurvedic therapies for acute patients include stone-dissolving medications along with Panchakarma Treatment.
Changes in diet and lifestyle
Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for reducing a wide range of health issues. The increased fluid intake regularly might help the body eliminate kidney stones from the system. Make an effort to consume at least 2 litres of water every day. This is probably the most crucial aspect of kidney stone removal. Summer heat needs extra precautions.
To be avoided :
- Caffeine, soft drinks, and alcohol.
- Meat, poultry, pickles, spinach, and chocolate.
- White rice.
Include the following:
- Rice (brown)
- Soup, lime juice, and so forth.
The bodily channels responsible for the movement of fluids to and from the kidneys are referred to as “srotas” in Ayurveda, and obstructions of these channels are recognised as the cause of kidney failure. Blockages in the entry routes cause renal atrophy because the kidney is starved of water. Swelling, on the other hand, happens when the outflow routes get obstructed. In conjunction with herbal drugs, Ayurvedic therapy has shown to be useful in the treatment of renal diseases. It aids in the restoration of damaged kidney cells, hence alleviating renal disorders. The herbal medicines are specifically designed to improve kidney function. Ayurveda treatment in Kerala is suitable for all types and stages of renal illness. Yoga asanas that stimulate the kidneys, such as pavanmuktasana, dhanurasana, uttanpadasana, bhujangasana, and halasana, are also advised during and after the course of treatment.
The therapy required for each stage of kidney stone will vary. So, if any of the mentioned symptoms apply to you, please don’t hesitate to seek medical attention to determine the degree of the problem and address it as soon as possible. Our lifestyle’s role in managing and preventing kidney stones is massive. As a result, adopting an ayurvedic lifestyle with a balanced nutrition regimen assists the body in the prevention of diseases. However, staying hydrated is still the most critical aspect of preventing and treating kidney stones.