Ayurveda Treatment for Dementia
dementia ayurveda treatment
Dementia is a gradual and chronic disorder marked by a reduced cognitive functioning, or the ability to comprehend, that is not caused by the ageing process in general. Memory, reasoning, sense of direction, comprehending, calculating, learning capacity, language, and perception are all affected, but consciousness is unaffected. It can also affect emotional regulation, social behaviour, and willpower as days pass on. As people become older, they are more prone to develop dementia. Ayurveda Treatment for Dementia is performed using herbal medicine to enhance memory, recollection, and retention of memory.(Ayurveda Treatment in Kerala)

Understanding Dementia and Its Causes
All forms of dementia are caused by the deterioration of nerve cells in the brain, which happens at a staggering pace than normal ageing.
Types of Dementia:
There are two types of dementia: reversible and irreversible.
Reversible dementia can be caused by a variety of reasons, including intoxication-induced thiamine deficit, as well as brain injury, strokes, vitamin B12 insufficiency, the existence of certain brain tumours, HIV virus infections, multiple sclerosis and so on. Ayurveda Treatment for Dementia starts with identifying the symptoms and listening to the body.
Dementia that is irreversible is of progressive behaviour, such as:
• Vascular dementia is characterized by the death of brain cells, which results in the impairment of blood vessels supplying the brain, obstructing normal blood flow and limiting oxygen delivery to brain cells.
• Injury-induced brain cell death has been related to post-traumatic dementia.
• Alzheimer’s disease is associated with the loss of brain cells over a period of time. Plaque and tangles form in brain cells, and the number of cells diminishes with time, causing the brain to shrink in size.
• In Parkinson’s disease, aberrant protein deposits called Lewy bodies promote an inability to pay attention and make decisions.
Some dementia-causing disorders are genetic, which means they pass down through generations.
Dementia progresses in stages and can be classified as:
• Predementia stage where there is no indication of cognitive decline
• Early-stage dementia where memory, language, reasoning, and judgement issues are all common and they tend to be socially withdrawn.
• Middle-stage dementia where they are oblivious to their environment, unable to recollect recent events, and have distorted recollections of their own past.
• Late-stage dementia where patients will gradually lose their capacity to talk as their motor abilities deteriorate. The brain appears to be disconnected from the body.
Dementia and Ayurveda
Dementia treatment in Kerala is shaped by the core concepts of Ayurveda, according to which, dementia is caused by disruptions and abnormalities in the body’s three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In Dementia, Vata (especially Prana Vata) plays a significant part. In Ayurveda, it is compared to smriti – bhransh (memory loss).Vata’s chalguna denotes movement. According to Acharya Charak, vata disorders are caused by a vayu imbalance, which might emerge as a result of dhatu depletion or vascular constriction.
In Ayurveda Treatment for Dementia, a wide variety of herbal combinations that have been shown to be effective in treating dementia and its symptoms are made use. Here are a few examples:
BacoppaMonnieri (Brahmi) appears to combat systemic inflammation in the brain, making it an essential Ayurvedic herb intreatment for dementia in ayurveda. According to conventional treatment, it is said to improve nervous system synchronisation, stimulate the brain, reduce stress, and reduce depressive tendencies.
Liquorice is a herb that has been proven to improve memory and cognition. It also reduces the effects of ageing on the brain, which may be useful to persons who are experiencing early signs of dementia. Scientists have discovered that a chemical called salicylic acid, present in liquorice, can help to prevent neuron deterioration and hence is an effective element in ayurvedic treatment for dementia.
Turmeric is a prominent Ayurvedic herb that aids memory and concentration, among other things. Because of the presence of curcumin, scientists are quite interested in turmeric. It is observed that curcumin offers a wide variety of brain advantages, including preventing free radical damage, inhibiting plaque formation, improving sleep quality, reducing nerve inflammation, relieving stress, and lowering anxiety. No dementia ayurveda treatment is complete without the addition of this magic element.
Ashwagandha does seem to have a nourishing, rejuvenating, and energizing effect on both the body and the intellect. Ashwagandha has been found in studies to mend and prevent cellular damage in the brain, which is important in preventing dementia from developing and maybe reversing. It has also been demonstrated to reduce plaque build-up in the brain, increase blood flow to the brain, and improve cognitive performance significantly. Furthermore, Ashwagandha improves emotional well-being and the body’s ability to deal with stressors.
These nerve stimulant herbs feed the neurons and brain cells. They boost or expand memory capacity while also restoring brain cell functioning to combat dementia in ayurveda. By enhancing the synchronisation between brain neurons, these herbs help to boost short- and long-term memory.
Ayurvedic Lifestyle and how to follow one?
In Ayurveda Treatment for Dementia, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is just as essential as seeking medical help when necessary. If you have a family history of dementia or are at risk of developing it, modifying your lifestyle can help you beat it.
As we’ve observed, dementia is linked to a wide range of symptoms, with Vata being the main culprit. As a result, herbal drugs can be quite effective in treating this condition. These natural cures in Ayurveda Treatment for Dementia don’t have any negative side effects and may be utilized for a long time. As a consequence, we may be able to regulate this condition with a balanced lifestyle and healthy diet, supported by herbal supplements.
In this regard, below are a few basic and essential suggestions to follow as a part of dementia ayurvedic treatment:
• Consume vitamin D-rich, omega-3-fatty-acid-rich, and folate-rich meals.
• Maintain a close check on your blood sugar levels.
• It is beneficial to meditate.
• Every day, for at least 30 minutes, participate in some type of physical activity.
• Ensure that you receive adequate sleep.
• Reduce your stress levels as much as possible.
Since it is evident that psychological variables have an impact on a person’s physiological well-being, Ayurvedic treatment for any condition begins with developing a lifestyle that considers both the physical and psychological aspects of one’s life. As a result, the Ayurvedic way of living emphasizes the necessity of maintaining emotional, physical, and mental-awareness balance. At Ishani Ayurveda, Kerala, India our focus is on identifying the underlying conditions that trigger the symptoms and making suitable changes to the lifestyle supported by herbal medications.