Ayurveda Treatment for Asthma

asthma and bronchitis

Ayurveda treatment for AsthmaAsthma is a common chronic inflammatory illness of the airways characterised by reversible airflow restriction, bronchospasm ,varied and recurrent symptoms. During this condition, it’s difficult for air to travel in and out of an asthmatic’s lungs, causing symptoms including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma, referred to as Swasa in Ayurveda’s “Pranavaha Sroto Vikara,” is a common lung ailment that produces recurrent breathing problems. It affects people of all ages and typically begins in childhood; however, it can sometimes appear in adults for the first time. Ayurveda Treatment for Asthma is done @ ISHANI AYURVEDA Ayurveda is also known as life science, and it is focused on a holistic, natural approach to treating any medical issue. Unlike any other medical approach, Ayurvedic arthritis therapy focuses on the core cause of the condition. It develops individualised treatment regimens based on a comprehensive study of each patient, including internal herbal medications and external therapies.

Types of Asthma

Asthma is classified into two categories, including Allergic Asthma and Non-Allergic Asthma

Allergic Asthma

Exposure to an allergen, such as dust ,mites, animal hair, or pollen causes allergic asthma.

Non-allergic Asthma

Stress, exertion, sickness, severe weather, allergens in the air, and certain medications can all trigger non-allergic asthma

Adult-Onset Asthma

Asthma symptoms aren’t often visible until they’re adults. Adult-onset asthma is the name for this type of asthma

Exercise-induced broncho constriction (EIB)

Healthy adults can acquire asthma symptoms when exercising.

Occupational Asthma

Inhaling fumes, gases, dust, or other potentially harmful chemicals while on the job causes occupational asthma.

Childhood Asthma

There are numerous children and their families who are affected by childhood asthma. Asthma affects the majority of children under the age of five. Many asthma patients are now reliant on inhalers; however, there are holistic therapies that can help keep asthma symptoms under control so that they do not significantly impact your life.

Some Best Practices in Ayurveda for Treating Asthmatic Bronchitis (Kerala, India)

The major goal is to eliminate the Kapha and remove the svasavarodha (obstruction of the respiratory path). The “Srotosuddhi” technique is stressed for eliminating bronchial blockages induced by a vata imbalance.

Also, the Kapha should be dissolved by rubbing medicinal oils and saindhava (rock salt) all over the chest. The patients have prescribed medicines and food with the kapha vriddikara dravya (mucolytic) property, allowing the blocking of kapha to be readily eliminated.

“Shroto Shuddhi” aids in the removal of Vata-induced bronchoconstriction. The Kapha is balanced by rubbing it all over the chest with medicinal oils and saindhava (rock salt).

We recommend that the patient follow a diet that contains the Kapha vriddikara dravya characteristic (mucolytic). This will aid in the removal of Kapha and make breathing easier for the individual.

One of the finest ayurvedic medications for allergy and asthma, asthma is an ayurvedic drug for asthmatic bronchitis. Asthma is a herbal supplement that helps to boost immunity while also reducing the severity and frequency of asthma episodes. The herbal treatment may be used by people of all ages and has no negative side effects.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma (Kerala, India)

In Ayurveda terms, asthma is generated by an unbalanced Kapha, Pitta Dosha, that leads to symptoms including wheezing, fever, irritation and coughing. Wheezing, dry mouth, thirst, dry cough, dry skin, anxiety, and constipation are symptoms of Vata Dosha-induced asthma.

In Ayurveda, the two most frequent Panchakarma procedures are Virechana and Vamana, both highly efficient asthma therapies.


The patient consumes Vamana herbs such as liquorice, sweet flag, and emetic nut. These herbs cause therapeutic vomiting, which clears the upper gastrointestinal tract of the unbalanced Dosha.


The patient is obliged to ingest herbal cleaning preparations that eliminate toxins through the anal channel, ensuring the patient’s well-being.

Rasayana Therapy

After their Panchakarma treatments, patients are given oral medicines as well as dietary recommendations. Treatment with Rasayana boosts immunity, reduces recurrence,restores normal body function, and assists in the long-term fight against the disease.

Ayurvedic Asthma Treatment (Kerala, India)

Ayurvedic practitioners use multiple approaches to put the body into a balanced,disease-free condition. It includes

  1. Panchakarma procedures like Vamana
  2. Internal mediciness
  3. Yoga
  4. Dietary and lifestyle modifications
  5. Breathing Exercises

Ayurvedic practitioners have reported on the beneficial use of many herbal remedies to treat bronchial asthma and allergic asthma. Argemone mexicana, for example, is a common plant that grows wild throughout India. Other herbs to consider are:

  • Cassia sophera
  • Piper betel
  • holy basil (tulsi)
  • Euphorbia hirta, also known as asthma weed

Antihistamine, bronchodilating, and anti-asthmatic effects may be found in these and other plants.

To assist in minimising asthma symptoms, Ayurvedic practitioners emphasise nutrition, exercise, and deep breathing methods.


Q.Can Ayurveda Cure Asthma?

A. Ayurveda is an ancient discipline that focuses on eliminating toxins and balancing the doshas in your body to treat the core cause of sickness. Many people have benefited and found relief from frequent asthma attacks and respiratory issues by following the Ayurvedic treatment plan.


Q.How can I Cure Asthma Naturally and Instantly?

A. Asthma cannot be treated immediately, although its symptoms and breathing difficulties can be greatly decreased. The Kapha dosha in the body can be decreased by following an ayurvedic herbal therapy plan. This will aid in assaults and allow the individual to breathe easily. It is advised that you speak with an expert Vaidya about your problem and receive treatment tailored to your needs.

Q.Is Ashwagandha Beneficial for Asthma Patients?

A. Ashwagandha is considered to assist asthma sufferers breathe better by relaxing the muscles in their airways. It also reduces inflammatory immune system reactions and has stress-relieving properties.